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Lip, Hand & Foot Sugar Scrubs

All Scrubs can be used as often as desired, & ideal for most work environments. Simply apply the correct Scrub to either your Lips, Hands or Feet, and scrub for 1-3 minutes. Add minimal water to activate, or to continue scrubbing if desired, wash when optimal softness has been reached. Don't forget to moisturize. 

Powderd Face Wash & Clay-Mask

This face wash is designed to eliminate the lather process that may dry the face out, for those with sensitive skin. To use the powder wash, simply use the cup and spoon to mix one spoonful into the cup, using the pipet, or just slowly add water until reaching desired wash (thin paste) or if using the mask (thicker clay-like) mixture. 

Cream-Soap Face Wash 

This face wash was created with minimal lather, helping keep skins moisture in while thoroughly cleaning pores. To use cream soap, simply apply to face & scrub. Wash with water, and apply McVeran's Face Butter if desired. 

 Make-Up Removal Bar

This Moisturizing Bar was designed to remove make-up, even waterproof and extended stay, while safely cleaning & conditioning the skin, with minimal lather. To use, simply wet bar, lather in hands, or apply wet bar directly to face, & wash. Apply McVeran's Face Butter if desired. 

Beard-Wash & Conditioner

This Moisturizing Bar was designed to allow natural oils to remain in the beard, while cleansing and conditioning hair. To use, simply wet bar, lather in hands, or apply wet bar directly to beard, lather & wash. Apply McVeran Beard Oil & enjoy that luscious beard of yours!

Beard Oil
Use after washing with Beard Bar or use McVeran's Beard Oil on its own. Simply use dropper to reach skin directly, squeeze a generous amount in multiple spot, and message with one finger into the root, then out towards the hairs end. (Never from the end of hair to scalp, this cause over oiling and a build-up in pores. 
Home-Made Body Butter
Simply apply Body Butter to Skin & Enjoy the amazing benefits of Kokum Butter and McVeran's Home Blend. 
Spot Treatments 
Simply add water & create a nice thick, mud-like paste, apply to troubled area. Allow to treat and soothe skin for at least 3-8 minutes. Wash and Go. Apply up to 3 times a day for overly irritated areas. 
After Hour & Oils 
Simply use oils or body glaze, as little or as much as desired. All items are safe for ingestion. Oils not recommended to ingest directly. Glaze was created and intended for consumption, ENJOY! (apply glaze to any body part safety. Clean area with water, or soap & water properly after use, & remember always enjoy After Hours Responsibly. 
Bi-Phase Cleaners
To use a Bi-Phase Cleaner to remove make-up or treat excessively dry skin, simply shake the bottle, enjoy the "Extravaganza", & use a cotton ball, (before the cleaner settles) to remove desired dirt, grim, or make-up. Then wash face with either Water or Your Favorite McVeran Face Wash.  
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